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Imigomo Yezokuthutha kanye Nezinketho Eziyinhloko

CONNECT is a collaborative effort to decide where bus service should go, when it should run, and how frequently it should operate. Today’s bus network is the result of decades of cumulative small changes and adjustments. The resulting network may not be meeting the goals and priorities of today’s residents, employers, and institutions.


CONNECT is an opportunity to review existing and potential transit demand and need, and to design a network that meets those demands and needs most effectively.

The Choices Report was the first step in CONNECT. It was meant to spark a conversation about transit needs and goals in St. Joseph and Elkhart Counties. The sections below summarize key issues, challenges, and choices. Read on below, download the full report, to understand key background to the CONNECT Transit Plan process.

Read the Full Choices Report

Yiziphi izinhloso okufanele ezokuthutha zifezekise?

Izinto zokuhamba zomphakathi zingafeza imigomo eminingi, kodwa abantu abahlukene nemiphakathi bazisa lezi zinhloso ngendlela ehlukile. Ukuqonda ukuthi yimiphi imigomo ebaluleke kakhulu esifundeni kuyisinyathelo esibalulekile sokuklama isevisi yeTranspo ne-Interurban Trolley yesikhathi esizayo.

Eminye yale migomo inikezwa kuphela uma abantu abaningi basebenzisa ezokuthutha. Isibonelo, ezokuthutha zinganciphisa kuphela ukuminyana nokungcola uma abantu abaningi begibela ibhasi kunokushayela. Le migomo siyibiza ngokuthi “imigomo yokugibela” ngoba ifinyelelwa ngokugibela okuphezulu.


Eminye imigomo ihlinzekwa ubukhona obulula bezokuthutha. Umzila webhasi onqamula endaweni uhlinzeka izakhamuzi umshwalense ngokumelene nokuhlukaniswa. Sibiza lezi zinhlobo zemigomo ngokuthi “izinhloso zokuhlanganisa ” ngoba zifinyelelwa engxenyeni enkulu ngokuhlanganisa izindawo zejografi ngesevisi, esikhundleni sokugibela okuphezulu.

Ukucabanga ukuthi iTranspo ne-Interurban Trolley batshala imali engakanani kulezi zinhloso kuwumbuzo obalulekile kulesi sigaba senqubo yokuhlela.

An icon of a cupped hand holding an abstract flower with a dollar sign.

Economic Opportunity

Transit can give businesses access to more workers; workers access to more jobs and supportive services like childcare; and students more access to education and training.

An icon of two open hands holding up a group of three people.

Support Essential Needs

Transit can help meet the needs of people who are economically insecure, with access to essential services and jobs.

An icon of of three cars crowded together.

Congestion Mitigation

Because buses carry more people than cars, transit use can mitigate traffic congestion by reducing Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT).

An icon of a small leaf within the outline of a waterdrop. Outside of the waterdrop is a circle made of three arrows.

Climate & Environmental Benefits

By reducing VMT, transit use can reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Frequent transit can also support compact development and help conserve land.

An icon of a heart with a medical cross symbol.


Transit can support physical activity, partly because most riders walk to their bus stop, but also because riders tend to walk more in between their transit trips.

An icon of a silhouette of the Statue of Liberty.

Personal Liberty

By providing people the ability to reach more places than they otherwise would, transit can empower people to make choices and fulfill their individual goals.

Siyithola Kanjani I-Ridership Ephakeme?

Ngokwenza ezokuthutha zibe usizo kubantu abaningi.

Okokuthutha okuwusizo kunikeza ukufinyelela okwengeziwe ngokufinyelela amathuba amaningi ngesikhathi esithile.

Singakwandisa ukufinyelela ngokuthi:

  • Ukunikeza imizila yamafrikhwensi aphezulu

  • Ukwakha inethiwekhi exhunyiwe

  • Ukwenza ezokuthutha zithembeke ngokunengqondo futhi zisheshe

  • Ukugxila ezindaweni ezithi:

    • Kuminyene

    • Okuhambayo

    • I-Proximate

    • Linear

This is a four-strip cartoon panel showing the concept of access. Panel 1 shows a person. The caption says "Here is a person." Panel 2 shows this same person, with many symbols representing places they could go. The caption says "... in a city full of possible destinations." Panel 3 shows this same person surrounded by a gray area. A line connects the person to the edge of the gray area and says "45 minutes". The caption says "In 45 minutes this person can get to anywhere in the highlighted area". Panel 4 shows the person in the gray area, and the symbols. The symbols located inside the gray area have been highlighted to be more visible. The caption says "Their access to destinations is the number of destinations in that area. You can count the jobs or schools or shopping in that area to estimate their access."

Ziphi Izimakethe Ezingcono Kakhulu Zokuthutha Namuhla?

“Imakethe yezokuthutha eqinile” ichazwa kakhulu ngokuthi abantu bakuphi, nokuthi bangaki kubo, kunokuthi abantu bangobani. Ngakho-ke, isiqalo esibalulekile sokuhlola izimakethe zezokuthutha ukuminyana kwabantu nemisebenzi. Imephu engakwesokudla ibonisa ukuminyana okuhlanganisiwe kwemisebenzi nabantu kuso sonke isifunda.

Uma ucele umhleli wezokuthutha ukuthi akudwebele umzila webhasi ohamba phambili kakhulu, lowo mhleli uzobheka kakhulu ukuminyana kwazo zonke izakhamuzi nemisebenzi; ekuhambeni emigwaqweni nasezindaweni ezizungezile; futhi ngezindleko zokuqhuba umzila webhasi isikhathi eside ngokwanele ukubafinyelela.

Ukuze uthole imininingwane eyengeziwe ngezimakethe zezokuthutha esifundeni, bona Isahluko 3 Sombiko Wokukhetha.


This is a map of Activity Density in the whole MACOG region. Acitivity density is the combination of residential density and job density.

Zikhonaphi Izidingo Zokuthutha?

This is a map of Poverty Density in St. Joseph and Elkhart Counties, represented by the number of residents per square mile living under 125% of the Federal Poverty  Line. The data shown is from the 2019 American Community Survey 5-year Estimates, by Census Block Group.

Uma ucela umhleli wezokuthutha ukuthi akudwebele umzila osize abantu abaningi abanezidingo ezinzima ngangokunokwenzeka, bazobheka ukuthi abantu abahola kancane, abadala, intsha kanye nabantu abakhubazekile bahlala kuphi nokuthi kufanele baye kuphi.

Ukuminyana lapho laba bantu behlala khona kubalulekile, ngoba ezindaweni eziminyana kakhulu isitobhi esisodwa sebhasi singaba usizo kubantu abaningi abaswele. Kodwa-ke, umhleli wezokuthutha angase azame ukusondeza umzila enambeni elincane labantu. Eqinisweni, uma abantu beqhelelene kakhulu futhi behlakazekile, yilapho bengaba bodwa futhi bangadinga kakhulu ukufinyelela kwezokuthutha.

Imephu engakwesokunxele ibonisa ukuminyana kwabantu abampofu esifundeni. Ukuze uthole imininingwane eyengeziwe ngezidingo zezokuthutha esifundeni, bona Isahluko 3 Sombiko Wokukhetha.


Kuthiwani nge-Equity kanye namalungelo omphakathi?

Imithetho ye-Federal Transit Administration, esekelwe ngokwengxenye yoMthetho Wamalungelo Abantu ka-1964, idinga ukuthi i-MACOG ne-Transpo bacabangele izinzuzo nemithwalo abantu abanombala ababhekana nayo kusukela kusevisi yezokuthutha kanye nenqubo yokuhlela amaphrojekthi wezokuthutha nezokuthutha.

Nakuba uhlanga noma ubuzwe bomuntu bungasitsheli ngokuqondile uma bedinga izinto zokuhamba, noma uma bethambekele ekusebenziseni ezokuthutha, siyazi ukuthi kukhona ukuhlobana phakathi kohlanga nobuzwe nemali engenayo nengcebo. Uma ungumuntu webala e-United States kungenzeka ukuthi uhola kancane futhi mancane amathuba okuba nemoto.

Imephu engakwesokudla ibonisa ukusatshalaliswa kwabantu ngobuhlanga nangobuhlanga kuso sonke isifunda. Ukubona lapho abantu abanemibala ehlala khona kusiza ukubona ukuthi bangaki abantu abahlala ezindaweni eziminyene, eziqondile, neziseduze, futhi ngenxa yalokho kuzosizwa kahle idizayini yenethiwekhi yabagibeli abaningi. Kusisiza futhi ukuthi sibone izindawo ezingomakhelwane okungabantu abanombala kakhulukazi abangaminyene, abalayini, noma abaseduze futhi okungabiza kakhulu ukukuhlinzeka, kodwa okungase kubaluleke kakhulu ukufeza umgomo wokuhlanganisa.

Ukuze uthole imininingwane eyengeziwe yokuthi amalungelo omphakathi akuthinta kanjani ukuhlelwa kwezinto zokuhamba, bheka Isahluko 3 Sombiko Wokukhetha.


This is a map showing the density of residents by race and ethnicity in St. Joseph and Elkhart Counties. The map shows one dot for every 5 residents. The color of the dot indicates their Census-reported race or ethnicity, distinguishing the following categories: Asian, Black, Hispanic, White and Other.

Inethiwekhi Ekhona Yezokuthutha Inemvamisa Elinganiselwe

A map showing the network of Transpo and Interurban Trolley bus routes. Routes are colored by frequency. Most routes fit in the blue (every 30-35 minutes) and green (every 60 minutes) categories.

Ukuvama kwesevisi, noma ukuthi kufanele ulinde isikhathi esingakanani phakathi kwamabhasi, kubalulekile ekusebenziseni izinto zokuhamba. Isevisi evamile kakhulu ithuthukisa kakhulu ukufinyelela. Imvamisa ephezulu inciphisa isikhathi sokuhamba ngokunikeza izinzuzo ezimbalwa ezixhunyiwe:

  • Ukulinda Okufushane

  • Ukudluliselwa Okusheshayo

  • Ukuthola Kalula Ekuphazanyisweni

  • Ukuzenzakalela Okukhudlwana Nenkululeko

Imephu engakwesokunxele ibonisa inethiwekhi yebhasi ekhona ngokuvama, nemizila egijima njalo ngemizuzu engama-30 enombala  eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka nemizila ehamba njalo ngemizuzu engama-60 inombala oluhlaza . Ngokuvama okulinganiselwe kwesevisi okunjalo, ukuhamba esifundeni kudinga ukulinda isikhathi eside futhi kulinganiselwe emandleni ako okunikeza inkululeko nokufinyelela ethubeni.

Ukuze uthole imininingwane eyengeziwe ngenethiwekhi yezokuthutha ekhona, bheka Isahluko 4 Sombiko Wezinketho.

Kufanele Siyiklame Kanjani Inethiwekhi Yamabhasi Yesifunda?

Kuya ngesimo.

Cabanga nje siklama inethiwekhi yezokuthutha yaleli dolobha eliqanjiwe. Imigqa yimigwaqo kanti amachashazi ngabantu nemisebenzi.

Izindawo ezinamachashazi engeziwe asondelene ziminyene ngomsebenzi. Abantu abaningi bafuna ukuya nokubuya kulezo zindawo. Lowo msebenzi ominyene ugxile emigwaqweni emikhulu.

Amabhasi asesithombeni ayizo zonke izinsiza esinazo zokuthutha.

A fictional city we have to design the transit system for and 18 buses to serve them.

Ngaphambi kokuthi sihlele imizila, kufanele siqale sibuze:
yini inhloso yethu ngesistimu yezokuthutha yaleli dolobha?

Uma inhloso yethu kuwukuthola ukugibela okuningi ohlelweni lwethu, singagxilisa izinsiza zezokuthutha lapho abantu abaningi nemisebenzi kusondelene khona. Singakwazi ukuhlinzeka ngesevisi yefrikhwensi ephezulu elula kakhulu futhi ekhuthaza abantu ukuthi bagibele ezokuthutha kulezo zindawo.

Network Designed for Ridership Goals has only two routes covering most people and jobs with high frequency service.

Uma inhloso yethu kuwukuthola ukuhlinzekwa kwezokuthutha ezindaweni eziningi ngangokunokwenzeka, kuzodingeka sisabalalise izinsiza zokuhamba. Imizila ayikwazi ukuba njalo, ngakho-ke ababaningi abantu abangathola ezokuthutha ziwusizo futhi zilula. Nokho, kungaba khona abanye ukutholakala kwezokuthutha ezindaweni eziningi ngangokunokwenzeka.

Network Designed for Coverage Goals has many routes covering most streets, people, and jobs, but with low frequecies.

Yomibili imigomo ibalulekile, kodwa ngaphakathi kwesabelomali esilinganiselwe ukushintshela kwenye kusho ukusuka kwenye.

Ingabe Isifunda Kufanele Sitshale Imali Eyengeziwe Kwezokuthutha?

Uma ubheka izifunda zontanga eziqhathanisekayo, kanye nesevisi yazo yezokuthutha, iziphetho ezimbalwa ezibalulekile zicacile:

  • Isifunda sinikeza isevisi encane uma kuqhathaniswa. Abekho kontanga abanikeze isevisi encane ngomuntu ngamunye kune-Interurban Trolley. Ngisho noma ziqoqwe ndawonye neTranspo ukuze kuqhathaniswe isifunda, i-Fort Wayne ne-Rockford kuphela ehlinzeka ngesevisi encane ngomuntu ngamunye. (Bheka ishadi kwesokudla).

  • Ukugibela kuphansi ngokufanayo. Ingxenye eyodwa enkulu yokugibela inani lesevisi enikeziwe. Phakathi kwama-ejensi antanga, lawo ahlinzeka ngesevisi eyengeziwe akhiqiza ukugibela okwengeziwe.

  • Kokubili ukukhiqiza kweTranspo kanye ne-Interurban Trolley kuphansi kakhulu. Ukugibela kwezokuthutha kwesifunda kungenzeka kucindezelwe isevisi yefrikhwensi ephansi. Ngenxa yalokho, ukukhiqiza okumaphakathi kuzo zombili izinhlaka kuthande ukuba ngaphansi kunamanye ama-ejensi ahlinzeka ngenani eliphelele lesevisi elifanayo.

Uma kubhekwa la maqiniso, kunombuzo wenani obalulekile mayelana nokuthi isifunda kufanele yini sitshale imali eyengeziwe kwezokuthutha ukuze kuthuthukiswe ukufinyelela kwethuba nokwandisa ukugibela.


Ukuze uthole imininingwane eyengeziwe ngenethiwekhi yezokuthutha ekhona kanye nokuqhathaniswa kontanga, bona Isahluko 4 Sombiko Wokukhetha.

Sitshele Okucabangayo! Thatha Inhlolovo!

Funda kabanzi ngokufunda Umbiko Ophelele Wezinketho.

Yiya emhlanganweni womphakathi ukuze ubuze imibuzo futhi uthole ulwazi olwengeziwe.

Imibuzo? Xhumana Nethimba Lephrojekthi Lapha!

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