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Tranzitni ciljevi i ključni izbori

Reci nam šta misliš! Popunite anketu!

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Gdje su danas najbolja tržišta za tranzit?

Focus on Ridership?

2_Ridership Network_South Bend Mishawakan.png

Focus on Coverage?

1_Coverage Network_South Bend Mishawaka.png

How much more should we invest in transit in South Bend and Mishawaka?

Somewhat More?

3_Growth Network_South Bend Mishawaka.png

A Lot More?

4_Aspirational Network_South Bend Mishawaka.png

How should we design the bus network in Elkhart and Goshen?

Focus on Ridership?

2_Ridership Network_Elkhart Goshen.png

Focus on Coverage?

1_Coverage Network_Elkhart Goshen.png

How much more should we invest in transit in Elkhart and Goshen?

Somewhat More?

3_Growth Network_Elkhart Goshen.png

A Lot More?

4_Aspirational Network_Elkhart Goshen.png

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