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የመጓጓዣ ግቦች እና ቁልፍ ምርጫዎች
ያሰብከውን ንገረን! ዳሰሳውን ይውሰዱ!
አምስት ደቂቃዎችን ብቻ ይወስዳል
ዛሬ ለመጓጓዣ ምርጡ ገበያዎች የት አሉ?
Focus on Ridership?
Focus on Coverage?
How much more should we invest in transit in South Bend and Mishawaka?
Somewhat More?
A Lot More?
How should we design the bus network in Elkhart and Goshen?
Focus on Ridership?
Focus on Coverage?
How much more should we invest in transit in Elkhart and Goshen?
Somewhat More?
A Lot More?
ሙሉውን የምርጫ ሪፖርት በማንበብ የበለጠ ይረዱ።
ጥያቄዎችን ለመጠየቅ እና ተጨማሪ መረጃ ለማግኘት በህዝባዊ ስብሰባ ላይ ተገኝ።
ጥያቄዎች? የፕሮጀክት ቡድኑን እዚህ ያግኙ!
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