Transitdoelen en belangrijke keuzes
The concepts below can help you think about your goals and priorities for transit service in Elkhart and Goshen.
To help you think about that, we’ve drawn two contrasting images of how the network could look, depending on what is most important to people and what the public’s priorities are. Both concepts assume the same budget, with service in Elkhart the same as it is today and service in Goshen with two more buses, as the city has already planned to invest more in transit. Even with more service in Goshen, the budget is limited, so we must make some hard decisions about what’s most important.
We've also drawn up two concepts that show what's possible with increased funding towards transit. We want to know how much investment you would be willing to provide to transit and the results you could get.
Whether you ride transit or not, your taxes help pay for bus service, so everyone's thoughts and opinions matter. Engagement around these concepts has ended, though you can still learn about them and provide feedback to the project team.
Hoe moeten we het busnetwerk van de regio ontwerpen?
Het hangt er van af.
Stel je voor dat we een doorvoernetwerk ontwerpen voor deze fictieve stad. De lijnen zijn wegen en de stippen zijn mensen en banen.
Plaatsen met meer stippen dicht bij elkaar zijn vol bedrijvigheid. Meer mensen willen van en naar die plekken reizen. Die dichte bedrijvigheid concentreert zich langs de hoofdwegen.
De bussen in de afbeelding zijn alle middelen die we hebben om het openbaar vervoer te laten rijden.
Als het ons doel is om zoveel mogelijk reizigers uit ons systeem te halen, zouden we de middelen voor het vervoer concentreren waar de meeste mensen en banen dicht bij elkaar liggen. We kunnen dan een hoogfrequente service bieden die erg handig is en mensen aanmoedigt om in die gebieden met het openbaar vervoer te reizen.
Als het ons doel is om in zoveel mogelijk gebieden dekking te krijgen voor vervoer, zullen we de middelen voor vervoer moeten spreiden. Routes kunnen niet zo frequent zijn, en dus zouden niet veel mensen doorvoer nuttig en handig vinden. Er zou echter wat zijn vervoersdekking in zoveel mogelijk gebieden.
Beide doelen zijn belangrijk, maar binnen een beperkt budget verschuiven naar het ene betekent verschuiven van het andere.
Waar zijn er transportbehoeften?
These concepts are NOT PROPOSALS. We will be developing the final plan later this year with your input.
Ridership Concept
This concept connects the busiest parts of the region with the best possible bus service (every 15 minutes or better). On average, more people can get to more places sooner with this concept, so ridership will be higher, but it doesn't cover as many people.
Coverage Concept
This concept expands the network to cover more area, but because there are so many routes, frequencies are low. Ridership is lower because people may not want to wait as long.
Red lines arrive every 15 minutes or less
Blue lines arrive every 30 minutes
Green lines arrive every 60 minutes
Tan lines are peak-only or have a limited schedule
Red lines arrive every 15 minutes or less
Blue lines arrive every 30 minutes
Green lines arrive every 60 minutes
Tan lines are peak-only or have a limited schedule
The average resident can reach 7% more jobs by transit in 45 minutes
These numbers are probably similar for other destinations, like school, shopping, etc.
44% of residents are within a 1/2 mile walk of any transit service, compared to 55% now.
40% of all residents are within a 1/2 mile walk of transit service that comes every 30 minutes or better, compared to 32% now
This concept would slightly increase the number of jobs the average person could reach in 45 minutes by walking and transit compared to the Existing Network.
The average resident can reach 2% fewer jobs by transit in 45 minutes
These numbers are probably similar for other destinations, like school, shopping, etc.
66% of residents are within a 1/2 mile walk of any transit service, compared to 55% now.
30% of all residents are within a 1/2 mile walk of transit service that comes every 30 minutes or better, compared to 32% now
This concept would slightly decrease the number of jobs the average person could reach in 45 minutes by walking and transit compared to the Existing Network.
Change in Access
Where can you be soon? Answering that question tells us a great deal about how useful a transit system is. The images below compare how far you can get from Downtown Elkhart, Downtown Goshen, or other key destinations in 45 minutes in the Ridership and Coverage concepts.
Moet de regio meer investeren in transit?
Kijkend naar vergelijkbare vergelijkbare regio's en hun transitdienst, zijn een paar belangrijke conclusies duidelijk:
De regio biedt relatief weinig service. Geen van de peers bood minder service per hoofd van de bevolking dan Interurban Trolley. Zelfs wanneer ze worden gegroepeerd met Transpo voor een regionale vergelijking, bieden alleen Fort Wayne en Rockford minder service per hoofd van de bevolking. (Zie grafiek rechts).
Ridership is navenant laag. De grootste bijdrage aan ridership is de hoeveelheid geleverde service. Onder de peer-bureaus genereren degenen die meer service bieden meer ridership.
De productiviteit van zowel de Transpo als de Interurban Trolley is erg laag. Het transitovervoer in de regio is waarschijnlijk onderdrukt door de laagfrequente service. Als gevolg hiervan was de gemiddelde productiviteit bij beide bureaus zelfs lager dan bij andere bureaus die een vergelijkbare totale hoeveelheid service verlenen.
Gezien deze realiteit is er een cruciale vraag of de regio meer moet investeren in transit om de toegang tot kansen te verbeteren en het aantal reizigers te vergroten.
Voor meer details over het bestaande transitnetwerk en vergelijkingen met collega's, zie hoofdstuk 4 van het Choices Report.
The Growth and Vision Concepts
These concepts are NOT PROPOSALS. We will be developing the final plan later this year with your input.
Growth Concept
The Growth Concept combines the increased frequent service of the Ridership Concept together with the retained and expanded service of the Coverage Concept. By combining both Concepts this network both dramatically increases how many useful destinations an average resident can reach in a given amount of time, and maintains shorter walks and the introduction of new service areas to expand overall access to transit, providing lifeline service levels to more residents.
Vision Concept
The Vision Concept is a vastly improved network that would introduce frequent service between South Bend, Elkhart, and Goshen. It would also expand coverage to area currently not served by transit. It maximizes investment to maximize progress towards important community goals such as economic development, air quality, and sustainability.
Dark red lines arrive every 10 minutes or less
Red lines arrive every 15 minutes
Blue lines arrive every 30 minutes
Green lines arrive every 60 minutes
Tan lines are peak-only or have a limited schedule
Dark red lines arrive every 10 minutes or less
Red lines arrive every 15 minutes
Blue lines arrive every 30 minutes
Green lines arrive every 60 minutes
Tan lines are peak-only or have a limited schedule
Yellow boxes are demand-response zones
The average resident can reach 8% more jobs by transit in 45 minutes
These numbers are probably similar for other destinations, like school, shopping, etc.
66% of residents are within a 1/2 mile walk of any transit service, compared to 55% now.
6% of all residents are within a 1/2 mile walk of transit service that comes every 15 minutes or better, compared to 0% now*
This concept represents a 15% increase in service compared to the Existing Network
The average resident can reach 78% more jobs by transit in 45 minutes
These numbers are probably similar for other destinations, like school, shopping, etc.
67% of residents are within a 1/2 mile walk of any transit service, compared to 55% now.
29% of all residents are within a 1/2 mile walk of transit service that comes every 15 minutes or better, compared to 0% now*
This concept represents a 970% increase in service compared to the Existing Network
*The Existing Network does not have service that is every 15 minutes or better on any route.
Change in Access
Where can you be soon? Answering that question tells us a great deal about how useful a transit system is. The images below compare how far you can get from Downtown Elkhart, Downtown Goshen, or other key destinations in 45 minutes in the Growth and Vision concepts.
Lees meer door het volledige Choices Report te lezen.
Woon een openbare bijeenkomst bij om vragen te stellen en meer informatie te krijgen.