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Transitaj Celoj kaj Ŝlosilaj Elektoj

The concepts below can help you think about your goals and priorities for transit service in Elkhart and Goshen.


To help you think about that, we’ve drawn two contrasting images of how the network could look, depending on what is most important to people and what the public’s priorities are. Both concepts assume the same budget, with service in Elkhart the same as it is today and service in Goshen with two more buses, as the city has already planned to invest more in transit. Even with more service in Goshen, the budget is limited, so we must make some hard decisions about what’s most important.

We've also drawn up two concepts that show what's possible with increased funding towards transit. We want to know how much investment you would be willing to provide to transit and the results you could get.

Whether you ride transit or not, your taxes help pay for bus service, so everyone's thoughts and opinions matter. Engagement around these concepts has ended, though you can still learn about them and provide feedback to the project team.

Kiel Ni Dezajnu la Busan Reton de la Regiono?

Tio dependas.

Imagu, ke ni desegnas transitan reton por ĉi tiu fikcia urbo. La linioj estas vojoj kaj la punktoj estas homoj kaj laboroj.

Lokoj kun pli da punktoj proksime estas densaj je agado. Pli da homoj volas vojaĝi al kaj de tiuj lokoj. Tiu densa agado koncentriĝas laŭ la ĉefŝoseoj.

La busoj en la bildo estas ĉiuj rimedoj, kiujn ni havas por funkciigi transiton.

A fictional city we have to design the transit system for and 18 buses to serve them.

Se nia celo estas akiri la plej multajn rajdantojn de nia sistemo, ni koncentrus transitajn rimedojn kie la plej multaj homoj kaj laborlokoj estas proksime kune. Ni povas tiam provizi altfrekvencan servon, kiu estas tre oportuna kaj instigas homojn veturi en transiton en tiuj lokoj.

Network Designed for Ridership Goals has only two routes covering most people and jobs with high frequency service.

Se nia celo estas akiri trafikan kovradon en kiel eble plej multaj areoj, ni devos disvastigi transitajn rimedojn. Itineroj ne povas esti tiel oftaj, kaj do ne multaj homoj trovus trafikon utila kaj oportuna. Tamen estus iuj trafika kovrado en kiel eble plej multaj areoj.

Network Designed for Coverage Goals has many routes covering most streets, people, and jobs, but with low frequecies.

Ambaŭ celoj estas gravaj, sed ene de limigita buĝeto ŝanĝi al unu signifas ŝanĝi for de la alia.

Kie Estas Bezonoj por Transiro?

These concepts are NOT PROPOSALS. We will be developing the final plan later this year with your input.

Ridership Concept

This concept connects the busiest parts of the region with the best possible bus service (every 15 minutes or better). On average, more people can get to more places sooner with this concept, so ridership will be higher, but it doesn't cover as many people.

Coverage Concept

This concept expands the network to cover more area, but because there are so many routes, frequencies are low. Ridership is lower because people may not want to wait as long.

Red lines arrive every 15 minutes or less

Blue lines arrive every 30 minutes 

Green lines arrive every 60 minutes

Tan lines are peak-only or have a limited schedule

Red lines arrive every 15 minutes or less

Blue lines arrive every 30 minutes 

Green lines arrive every 60 minutes

Tan lines are peak-only or have a limited schedule

Ridership Concept Elkhart Goshen.png


  • The average resident can reach 7% more jobs by transit in 45 minutes

  • These numbers are probably similar for other destinations, like school, shopping, etc.

  • 44% of residents are within a 1/2 mile walk of any transit service, compared to 55% now.

  • 40% of all residents are within a 1/2 mile walk of transit service that comes every 30 minutes or better, compared to 32% now

  • This concept would slightly increase the number of jobs the average person could reach in 45 minutes by walking and transit compared to the Existing Network.

Coverage Concept Elkhart Goshen.png


  • The average resident can reach 2% fewer jobs by transit in 45 minutes

  • These numbers are probably similar for other destinations, like school, shopping, etc.

  • 66% of residents are within a 1/2 mile walk of any transit service, compared to 55% now.

  • 30% of all residents are within a 1/2 mile walk of transit service that comes every 30 minutes or better, compared to 32% now

  • This concept would slightly decrease the number of jobs the average person could reach in 45 minutes by walking and transit compared to the Existing Network.

Change in Access

Where can you be soon? Answering that question tells us a great deal about how useful a transit system is. The images below compare how far you can get from Downtown Elkhart, Downtown Goshen, or other key destinations in 45 minutes in the Ridership and Coverage concepts.

output_Elkhart Transfer Center.png
output_Downtown Goshen - Main and Washington.png
output_Elkhart - County Road 4 and Cassopolis.png
output_Elkhart East High School (fomerly Central).png
output_Elkhart General Hospital.png
output_Goshen Walmart.png
output_Goshen Hospital.png
output_Goshen High School.png
output_Concord High School.png
output_Boys and Girls Club of Goshen.png

Looking for South Bend & Mishawaka?

Click here to see concepts for South Bend & Mishawaka.

Ĉu la Regiono Devus Pli Investi en Transiro?

Rigardante kompareblajn samrangajn regionojn, kaj ilian transitservon, kelkaj ŝlosilaj konkludoj estas klaraj:

  • La regiono disponigas relative malmulte da servo. Neniu el la kunuloj disponigis malpli servon pokape ol Interurban Trolley. Eĉ se grupite kune kun Transpo por regiona komparo, nur Fort Wayne kaj Rockford disponigas malpli servon pokape. (Vidu tabelon dekstre).

  • Rajdado estas egale malalta. La ununura plej granda kontribuanto al rajdanteco estas la kvanto de servo disponigita. Inter la samrangaj agentejoj, tiuj kiuj disponigas pli da servo generas pli da rajdanteco.

  • La produktiveco de Kaj Transpo kaj Interurban Trolley estas tre malalta. La transitrajdantado de la regiono verŝajne estis subpremita per malaltfrekvenca servo. Kiel rezulto, meza produktiveco ĉe ambaŭ agentejoj tendencis esti pli malalta eĉ ol aliaj agentejoj kiuj disponigas similan totalsumon de servo.

Konsiderante ĉi tiujn realaĵojn, ekzistas ŝlosila valordemando pri ĉu la regiono devus investi pli en transito por plibonigi aliron al ŝanco kaj pliigi rajdadon.


Por pli da detaloj pri la ekzistanta transitreto kaj kunularaj komparoj, vidu Ĉapitro 4 de la Elektoj-Raporto.

Decision Space Diagram New300 ppi.png

The Growth and Vision Concepts

These concepts are NOT PROPOSALS. We will be developing the final plan later this year with your input.

Growth Concept

The Growth Concept combines the increased frequent service of the Ridership Concept together with the retained and expanded service of the Coverage Concept. By combining both Concepts this network both dramatically increases how many useful destinations an average resident can reach in a given amount of time, and maintains shorter walks and the introduction of new service areas to expand overall access to transit, providing lifeline service levels to more residents.

Vision Concept

The Vision Concept is a vastly improved network that would introduce frequent service between South Bend, Elkhart, and Goshen. It would also expand coverage to area currently not served by transit. It maximizes investment to maximize progress towards important community goals such as economic development, air quality, and sustainability.

Dark red lines arrive every 10 minutes or less

Red lines arrive every 15 minutes

Blue lines arrive every 30 minutes 

Green lines arrive every 60 minutes

Tan lines are peak-only or have a limited schedule

Dark red lines arrive every 10 minutes or less

Red lines arrive every 15 minutes

Blue lines arrive every 30 minutes 

Green lines arrive every 60 minutes

Tan lines are peak-only or have a limited schedule

Yellow boxes are demand-response zones

Growth Concept Elkhart Goshen.png
Vision Concept Elkhart Goshen.png


  • The average resident can reach 8% more jobs by transit in 45 minutes

  • These numbers are probably similar for other destinations, like school, shopping, etc.

  • 66% of residents are within a 1/2 mile walk of any transit service, compared to 55% now.

  • 6% of all residents are within a 1/2 mile walk of transit service that comes every 15 minutes or better, compared to 0% now*

  • This concept represents a 15% increase in service compared to the Existing Network


  • The average resident can reach 78% more jobs by transit in 45 minutes

  • These numbers are probably similar for other destinations, like school, shopping, etc.

  • 67% of residents are within a 1/2 mile walk of any transit service, compared to 55% now.

  • 29% of all residents are within a 1/2 mile walk of transit service that comes every 15 minutes or better, compared to 0% now*

  • This concept represents a 970% increase in service compared to the Existing Network

*The Existing Network does not have service that is every 15 minutes or better on any route.

Change in Access

Where can you be soon? Answering that question tells us a great deal about how useful a transit system is. The images below compare how far you can get from Downtown Elkhart, Downtown Goshen, or other key destinations in 45 minutes in the Growth and Vision concepts.

output_Elkhart Transfer Center.png
output_Downtown Goshen - Main and Washington.png
output_Elkhart - County Road 4 and Cassopolis.png
output_Elkhart East High School (fomerly Central).png
output_Elkhart General Hospital.png
output_Goshen Walmart.png
output_Goshen Hospital.png
output_Goshen High School.png
output_Concord High School.png
output_Boys and Girls Club of Goshen.png

Looking for South Bend & Mishawaka?

Click here to see concepts for South Bend & Mishawaka.

Lernu pli legante la plenan Raporton pri Elektoj.

Ĉeestu publikan kunvenon por demandi kaj akiri pliajn informojn.

Ĉu demandoj? Kontaktu la Projektan Teamon Ĉi tie!

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